ADeko Technologies

exporting dxf's
1. sayfa (Toplam 1 sayfa)

Yazar:  Sondal [ 16 May 2007 04:58 ]
Mesaj Başlığı:  exporting dxf's

Is it possible to export each part of a cabinet as a flat dxf?
i.e. When a base cabinet is exported, can the pieces which make this cabinet, bottom, sides, back and rail be exported as flat dxf's to be run in another program to pick up any drilling and routing that needs to be done?

I run a flat bed router that uses Enroute to nest the pieces and apply tool paths. All I need to do is supply this program with all cabinet parts laying machining side up as dxf form.

Yazar:  Destek/Support [ 15 Haz 2007 19:17 ]
Mesaj Başlığı: 

Will be covered in version 7.

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