Thanks support, just to clarify.
On point number (2) you mentioned to convert my DWG files from solids to mesh then import. My Turkish is very poor and navigating the program is a bit hit & miss. Could you please show an example of what to click where and where abouts in the program etc. an example of importing a single cabinet?
Do you mean the Solid Modelling that I don't have has these PEEL & AE commands?
Also from what you mentioned I need an extra license, I intend on buying once I see that this program is right for me, what are the modules required to accomplish this (draw, cost, cutting lists, reports, export cnc) so I know when ordering what to ask for. Also cost would be great too.
OK my typical data flow as requested:
At present I draw in Autocad with use of smartlister an addon that helps with drawing & turning solids flat, creating individual dxf files per part to export into a program called Enroute. Enroute then nests the parts, tool paths, ready to send to flat bed router.
I would need to understand your method of CNC greater to utilize, make changes, and accomodate. At present Enroute creates the G Code, In Enroute it has my machines drivers, tool order etc. I would need to understand how AKitchen knows what tool to asign what path? Or is there a setup for this? I really would be learning a new method here so I guess what I'm really trying to say is: When I buy, will this software be tailored to talk directly to my machine, knowing which tools to apply to each tool path? My machine has an automatic tool changer and can use 14 different tools.
What I was looking for was a drawing program, Autocad based, so that I could import my cabinets, show client, cost the job, then eport back to Autocad, export then to Enroute then to machine. But if yours can take my cabinets straight to machine this would be fantastic! But without a real unserstanding of CNC I really ** blind here. I need someone to show how this can work.
Oh and when I buy Akitchen Turkish version now, will there be a difference to go English when it is released?
Thanks for your time